
Because JG-1 is a German online cyber-squadron, this Unit has adopted the standard Rank system of the Air Forces of the National People’s Army (Luftstreitkräfte der Nationalen Volksarmee), as it was used from 1956 to 1990. This provides the Geschwader with a system of grading seniority and command.

All of JG-1’s ranks can be divided into two basic categories:

Offiziere (Officers)

Within the Offiziere rank group, there are three specific classes: Stabsoffiziere (Field Officers), Hauptleute und Rittmeister (Captains) and Leutnante (Lieutenants).

Oberstleutnant (Obstlt.)

Comparable to an OF-4 within the NATO standard rank scale. This is the rank of JG-1's Geschwaderkommodore.

Major (Maj.)

Comparable to an OF-3 within the NATO standard rank scale. This is the rank of JG-1's Geschwaderadjutant.

Hauptmann (Hptm.)

Comparable to an OF-2 within the NATO standard rank scale. This is the rank of a Staffelkapitän.

Oberleutnant (Oblt.)

Comparable to an OF-1a within the NATO standard rank scale. This is the rank of a Staffeladjutant.

Leutnant (Lt.)

Comparable to OF-1b within the NATO standard rank scale.

Unterleutnant (Ult.)

Comparable to an OF-1c within the NATO standard rank scale.

Offiziersschüler (Student Officers)

The second rank grouping are the Offiziersschüler (Student Officers). Offiziersschüler were student soldiers of the National People's Army, and considered candidates or aspirants for eventual promotion.

Offiziersschüler 4. Studienjahr (Offz.-S., 4)

This is the rank of a fourth-year officer candidate. It is comparable to a NATO officer designate (OF-D), which comes below the grade of OF-1.

Offiziersschüler 3. Studienjahr (Offz.-S., 3)

This is the rank of a third-year officer candidate. It is comparable to a NATO officer designate (OF-D), which comes below the grade of OF-1.

Offiziersschüler 2. Studienjahr (Offz.-S., 2)

This is the rank of a second-year officer candidate. It is comparable to a NATO officer designate (OF-D), which comes below the grade of OF-1. This is the rank of a Klasse B Kadett.

Offiziersschüler 1. Studienjahr (Offz.-S., 1)

This is the rank of a first-year officer candidate. It is comparable to a NATO officer designate (OF-D), which comes below the grade of OF-1. This is the rank of a Klasse A Kadett.