Dicta Jagdgeschwader
Jagdgeschwader 1 (JG1) is a serious-minded online cyber squadron. We are an international group with a solid North American and European contingent. JG1 has a long and distinguished history online and can trace its origins to March 1992 and Red Baron Online. JG1 is the first German-focused online virtual squadron established on the internet and the third oldest cyber squadron overall.
JG1 is currently comprised of three aspects (or sub-squadrons). Jagdgeschwader Nr. I “Richthofen” (JG Nr. I), Jagdgeschwader 1 “Oesau” (JG 1), and Jagdfliegergeschwader 1 “Fritz Schmenkel”(JG-1).
As a cyber squadron, JG1 has involvement in the following flight simulations:
- Digital Combat Simulator World (DCS World)
- IL-2 Great Battles (including Flying Circus)
- IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover
- Rise of Flight: The First Great Air War
JG1 actively seeks to fly simulated aircraft relating to the World War I-era Luftstreitkräfte, the World War II-era Luftwaffe, and the Cold War-era Luftstreitkräfte der Nationalen Volksarmee (East German Air Force).
By enlisting in JG1, you acknowledge that you will abide by this cyber squadron’s code of conduct, hereafter known as the Dicta Jagdgeschwader. This acknowledgment is essential when flying or posting in a JG1 uniform. A pilot’s uniform is the JG1-specific prefix that precedes our pilots’ names while in public. Examples include:
- JG1_[name]
- I./JG1_[name]
- II./JG1_[name]
- III./JG1_[name]
- Stab/JG1_[name]
- JG-1_[name]
The Dicta Jagdgeschwader is the following:
1. All pilots will respect rank, which represents both position and length of service within the unit, and the chain of command created from that ranking structure. The flaming or degrading of any pilot is prohibited. JG1 does not tolerate racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic conduct.
2. Cheating, which is the attempt to create an unfair advantage in your favor at the expense of others, is strictly prohibited. Any pilot caught cheating in any form or manner will be expelled from the unit. It is important to note that the intentional modification of files within a game is a form of hacking. Hacking is not necessarily cheating. However, the use of hacked files to create an edge beyond normal gameplay is.
3. While JG1 flies German aircraft and uses the historical rank and organizational systems of multiple versions of the German Air Force, this is an apolitical cyber squadron dedicated solely to furthering computer games. We do not tolerate or condone any references to the Nazi party, its leadership, or the atrocities they committed. We do not tolerate or condone any references to the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED), the Stasi, or any apparatus of the East German government. While we use historical German paint schemes and awards, this is done solely for the sake of historical accuracy. Any member found guilty of violating this rule will be expelled from the unit immediately.
4. JG1’s communication network (i.e., e-mail, forums, TeamSpeak, Discord, chat, etc.) is for the specific purpose of squadron business, discussions of aviation, discussions of computer games (especially flight simulators), and socializing. Whether current or historically based, it is not for the deliberation of any political, commercial, or religious topic. Because JG1 is a non-political entity, any violation of this tenant will be considered a violation of the Dicta itself. The JG1 Stab (central command) reserves the right at all times to lock, delete or end any discussions that intrude upon this basic courtesy.
5. Unless given a special exemption by the JG1 Stab, we prohibit pilots from holding membership within other outside flight simulator squadrons. This rule is in place to ensure that a JG1 pilot has no conflicts regarding interest or schedule. It is important to note that this prohibition does not include aspects within the JG1 organizational umbrella. JG1 membership grants access to all parts of the cyber squadron, including JG Nr. I “Richthofen,” JG 1 “Oesau,” and JG-1 “Fritz Schmenkel.”
6. Unless given a special exemption by the JG1 Stab, failure to remain active will result in your eventual dismissal. A pilot must regularly fly in organized practice sessions and online events to maintain membership. The JG1 Stab will review a pilot’s membership during periods of inactivity. The results of that review may include the loss of Pilot’s Badges, the loss of privileges, or the loss of membership.
7. Retiring or departing members of JG1 are to respect the intellectual property of this cyber squadron. While JG1 will always respect creator rights, departing pilots should understand that JG1 may continue to use all things created for this unit. The intellectual property in question includes but is not limited to standing operations procedures (SOPs), training manuals, TeamSpeak or Discord setups, training videos, artwork, etc.
8. JG1 dedicates itself to flight simulators. Any game or gaming event outside of the scope of flight simulators is considered “unofficial” by the JG1 Stab, meaning that we will not track them for kill streaks, awards, or general recognition. However, despite unofficial status, JG1’s involvement in such games or events will always be carefully managed by the command staff, with clear expectations regarding the unit’s overall organization. Special dispensation by the JG1 Stab is needed to start any unofficial event or sub-community.
9. It is prohibited for a JG1 pilot to display any outside group, association, or organization markings alongside their JG1 uniform. The JG1 uniform is the JG1-specific prefix that precedes our pilots’ names while in public. The corruption of JG1 tags violates this unit’s clear policies regarding maintaining a fun, friendly, and enjoyable community.
10. Once every twelve months, pilots may be required to take a Pilot’s Badge refresher course. This refresher course ensures that the squadron’s membership is active and engaged within the unit. The course will always reflect the group’s current state of flight training.
11. A pilot may receive two written warnings should they violate this cyber squadron’s code of conduct. Dismissal will be the result of a third infraction.
In conclusion:
“We operate with chivalry and honor at all times, no exceptions.”